American Christian Fiction Writers 

Colorado Springs Chapter


Write in the Springs 2024

Plan Now to Attend

Write in the Springs

April 19-20, 2024

Praise for Misty Beller’s Workshops

At the 2023 ACFW conference, the workshop Misty Beller taught was the best one I attended. As her classes always are—and I never miss one if I can help it—it was packed with useful information that I could immediately apply. I left with pages of notes that I still refer to regularly. Misty has a way of taking complex ideas, explaining them so everyone can understand, and then breaking them into manageable tasks. Not only that, but she is gracious to answer questions from the audience and elaborate on her ideas. No matter where you are in the writing and publishing journey, you will benefit by learning from this master.

Robin Patchen, USA Today bestselling author

Get Training and Inspiration for Your Writing

ACFW Colorado Springs is pleased to offer an affordable conference experience for Christian writers annually since 2009. Our association with Glen Eyrie’s amazing conference facility helps it compete with larger conferences while continuing to offer attendees great training and networking that fits a variety of budgets.

Write in the Springs registrants can opt to attend just Saturday’s “main event” as a cost-effective one-day conference experience, or register for the full Friday afternoon and all-day Saturday gathering. Whichever option you choose, you may also take advantage of on-site lodging to enjoy quality time at Glen Eyrie’s awe-inspiring property, and even add extra days to your stay for a full “writing retreat” experience.


Friday, April 19

Discovering your author brand to craft compelling stories
These sessions will help you pinpoint your target reader and brainstorm your distinctive author brand. Then we’ll use that understanding to guide us in crafting compelling stories and complex characters.

Saturday, April 20

Which publishing path is right for you, platform building strategies, and latest AI trends

We’ll delve into the various publishing paths, including indie, traditional, and hybrid models, and we’ll talk through strategies for each route. Your author platform doesn’t have to be a frustrating challenge, so we’ll discuss approaches and key metrics for your website, newsletter, and social presence. Learn effective strategies to market your book release in a way that engages your target audience. In addition, we’ll talk through the latest AI tools and how to utilize them as assistants in your writing and marketing efforts.

The writing journey doesn’t have to be overwhelming, especially when we grow together. Come with your questions and leave with actionable insights to help develop your path to success. 

About Our Speaker

Misty M. Beller is a USA Today bestselling author of romantic mountain stories, set on the 1800s frontier and woven with the truth of God’s love. Misty’s passion is to create inspiring Christian fiction infused with the grandeur of the mountains, writing historical romance that displays God’s abundant love through the twists and turns in the lives of her characters. She writes from her country home in South Carolina and escapes to the mountains any chance she gets.

You can find out more about Misty and her writing at:

Misty Beller Photo<br />

What’s Included in Registration?

  • Your admission badge
  • All conference materials and handouts
  • A buffet-style lunch on Saturday
  • Beverage/Snack breaks on Friday and Saturday

What’s Optional?

Lodging at Glen Eyrie: A limited number of lodging rooms are reserved for WITS attendees on site at Glen Eyrie. These may be booked for up to four nights (April 18-21). Get rates and booking instructions with the registration info below.

Professional Manuscript Critique: Get valuable feedback on your story idea and writing (up to 3,000 words) as part of your conference package. More details can be found HERE.

Friday Supper Groups:  Friday’s registrants have the opportunity to sign up for one of our small carpool groups that will visit local restaurants for supper and socializing on Friday evening. This meal is self-pay.

Glen Eyrie Castle
Armor & Fireplace

Special Offering – Misty is Accepting Pitches

Misty Beller is the managing editor of Wild Heart Books. She will take a limited number of pitches for historical fiction projects at the conference and via Zoom afterward. Two pitch times will be offered during Friday morning registration and three after the supper groups on Friday night. There will be a total of five in-person slots, and, if there’s more interest, Misty will host zoom calls at a later date.

This opportunity is limited to registered attendees only on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you are interested, please send an email to and indicate your preference for a Friday morning or Friday evening appointment.

WITS Scholarship

A limited number of scholarships are available for national ACFW members with financial limitations who would like to attend Write in the Springs. The application deadline is January 10, 2024. Click HERE for detailed application instructions. 

ACFW Colorado Springs gratefully accepts donations to help pay for conference scholarships. If you would like to donate, please use the link below: 

Donations to the WITS conference scholarship fund are gratefully accepted.

Registration Link and Printable Form

EVENTBRITE LINK – Easy and Automated, using secure digital credit card/debit card payment.

REGISTRATION FORM – Download our printable form (.pdf) for this simple, traditional method that provides multiple payment options (50% Deposit, cash, checks and digital credit card/debit card).

WITS Rate Table

Additional Information

Lodging Reservation Instructions – Click this link to get more detailed instructions on reserving lodging at Glen Eyrie.

Parental Consent WaiverParents may allow participants aged 16-17 to register for this event by downloading and completing this consent form.

Nearby Hotels – Click this link for a list of alternate lodging options at nearby hotels.

Special Diet Needs – If you have special diet requirements, please submit this form.

What Past Attendees Say About Write in the Springs

Write in the Springs offers quality instruction at an affordable price in a gorgeous location. Long enough to dig deep but short enough to avoid major overload.

What Past Attendees Say About Write in the Springs

Write in the Springs’ longer format and intensive workshop is super valuable for learning the craft of writing. It’s very different than one-hour sessions you get at most conferences.

What Past Attendees Say About Write in the Springs

Write in the Springs tucks neatly into a weekend but fills your writers’ toolbox to overflowing. You won’t want to miss it!

What Past Attendees Say About Write in the Springs

Coming back next year!

What Past Attendees Say About Write in the Springs

You don’t know you need to attend until you attend one time.

What Past Attendees Say About Write in the Springs

More fun than I anticipated.

What Past Attendees Say About Write in the Springs

Write in the Springs is a great place to learn about craft from experienced authors and be encouraged by like-minded people wherever you are on the writing journey. I am coming back to ACFW-CS Write in the Springs! I’m so happy and learned so much. I feel so alive!

What Past Attendees Say About Write in the Springs

Write in the Springs was a phenomenal conference!

What Past Attendees Say About Write in the Springs

As a new, unpublished author, I went from feeling alone and overwhelmed to connected and empowered.

What Past Attendees Say About Write in the Springs

Write in the Springs provided in-depth teaching from a top-notch author. The setting and facilities were spectacular!

What Past Attendees Say About Write in the Springs

Write in the Springs invigorated me and gave me insights for improving my writing.

What Past Attendees Say About Write in the Springs

Write in the Springs is the perfect place to stir the heart and get the muse to dance!

Happy WITS Attendees Collage
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