American Christian Fiction Writers 

Colorado Springs Chapter


Member Resources

ACFW National – ACFW National offers networking, training, writing courses, contests, member rates for conferences and retreats and so much more!

ACFW Colorado Springs Facebook Group – This is a closed group for paid members only. You will receive updates on upcoming meetings, notices on changes to events, and notes from our monthly speakers. We also share resources we come across as well as book promotions and celebrate our successes. 
Member Events Chart

Monday Zoom Events – Our chapter enjoys great interactive member events on Monday evenings from September through May. Write Nite is a bi-monthly chance to spend the evening working on your manuscript in the (virtual) company of your chapter friends, with focused writing blocks interspersed with chat breaks to discuss our projects and socialize. Craft Chat and Market Chat are monthly question and answer sessions when chapter members discuss the craft of writing or the business of books and author platform building. Critique Chat happens 3-4 times each year as an opportunity for members to discuss our chapter’s Email Critique Exchange and learn techniques that will insure a valuable experience for every critique participant. Zoom links to attend these events are posted on our Members-Only Facebook Group.

Email Critique Exchange:  In addition to ACFW’s nationwide “Scribes” critique group, Colorado Springs chapter members have a weekly opportunity to exchange manuscript segments with fellow chapter members as a way to give and receive feedback and tips for improving and developing their writing.

Bonus – Here’s a couple of things we’ve collected to bring you some encouragement for your writing journey.