American Christian Fiction Writers 

Colorado Springs Chapter


Membership Banner

Members of the American Christian Fiction Writers nationwide organization enjoy many great benefits, but the Colorado Springs chapter offers some additional exclusive benefits you’ll enjoy:

  • Free monthly meetings (with both in-person and virtual attendance options) that provide networking, training, and fellowship with local Christian writers.
  • Access to the Colorado Springs Members Facebook Group – for fellowship, up-to-the-minute news, and other member resources.
  • Access to our chapter’s weekly Critique Exchange – for feedback and personal instruction that will improve your writing!
  • Access to our chapter’s interactive Monday Zoom Events (Write Nite, Craft Chat and Market Chat).
  • Special members-only discount to the annual Write in the Springs (WITS) Conference hosted by our chapter at the Glen Eyrie Conference Center each April.
  • Special low rate for use of our P.O. Box (for your author newsletter mass-mailings).
  • …and more.

WHO CAN JOIN?  Anyone who is a member of ACFW’s national organization may join our chapter. You can find about more about membership with ACFW at:    Also, anyone who is a member of another ACFW chapter can join our chapter as an Associate Member in order to gain access to our member benefits.


1)  First, join ACFW National, if you haven’t already done so.

2)  Complete our chapter membership APPLICATION FORM. Here are two ways to do this:

            Method 1: Download and save the application form (.pdf) to your computer. Open the application form with any PDF reader (such as Adobe), type in the needed information and save the completed form to your computer. Then attach the completed .pdf to an email and send it to:

            Method 2:  Print out the blank application form, fill in the information and bring it to a chapter meeting or scan/photograph the completed form and email it to:

3)  Pay your dues.

REGULAR MEMBERSHIP is $25 for the full calendar year. If you join during the second half of the year (after June 30), select half-year membership at $12.50.  (Note: After your initial membership is paid, renewal dues will be payable each January for the coming calendar year.)

ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP is $12.50 for the full calendar year. This membership is only available for those who are already members of another ACFW chapter elsewhere. This type of membership does not includes voting rights.

4)  Your membership is complete once payment is received and your membership with ACFW National is confirmed. You can expect to receive a confirmation email from the membership manager when this is completed.

RENEWING YOUR MEMBERSHIP? Make sure to keep your national membership up-to-date! New application forms are NOT required to renew your chapter membership each January. Just process your Regular Membership dues payment through the online link above or bring your check or cash to the treasurer at any in-person chapter meeting.